We are in need of two people to "work the chains" for the junior high and varsity football games this evening starting at 5:00. If you are interested in making some quick/easy money, please contact Matt Rash at Midway Public School - matt.rash@midwayschools.com or 701-869-2432.
The JV football game against Fourwinds for tomorrow has been cancelled. JH football will still be played at Fourwinds at 4:30.
Catch tonight's Mustangs volleyball action vs. Thompson on YouTube by searching yourliveevent.com.
The Midway online clothing store is now OPEN! Follow this link to access the site: https://midwaypublicschool.itemorder.com . Orders must be submitted by Friday, September 30th at 11:59 PM. Orders will take approximately 4 weeks for delivery.
Midway Public School is seeking a part-time dishwasher to help in the kitchen Monday through Friday. The main hours for this job would be 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM each day. If you or someone you know is interested, contact Jason Keating at 701-869-2432 or jason.keating@k12.nd.us.
4th, 5th, 6th grade boys' basketball practice begins on Monday, September 26th.
Midway's Words of the Week brought to you by the seventh grade!
Candor: The quality of being open and honest in expression
Ingrained: Firmly fixed or established
Luminous: Full of light, bright or shining.
How might you use these words?
Congratulations to the 2022 Midway Homecoming Court, King Kaden Moen and Queen Emma Manzini! (Princess Jayden Cronquist, Anya Rose Van Hauen, Danni Korynta, Megan Overend, Queen Emma Manzini, King Kaden Moen, Landan Levijoki, Hunter Lietz, Matthew Withrow, Prince Jaydan Keating)
Don't forget, it's Picture Day tomorrow!
You can access tonight's school board meeting by following this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81908434680?pwd=THQxZjlVdHNiYVMzVGVENnQrRG41UT09
Are you interested in being a part of a PTO? Midway is looking at starting one. Please attend our meeting on Thursday, September 27th at 7pm for more information.
Homecoming Week Dress-Up Days for the middle school/high school.
The elementary's dress-up days for Homecoming Week (Sept 12-16).
Homecoming Coronation will be held on Monday, September 12th at 2:45 PM in the gymnasium. All parents and community members are invited to attend.
Please read the attached announcement from Tweten's Photography regarding picture day payments. Reminder: Picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th.
Letters and pins for football parents' night will be handed out tonight at practice to the players. They will not be mailed as in previous years. Please check with your player(s) tonight to make sure they received their materials.
Midway High School's words of the week. "Obviate: remove"
"Audacious: showing a willingness to take a bold risk"
"Whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in a humorous and amusing way"
How might you use these words?
Be on the lookout for the online Midway clothing site that will be coming soon! We will share a link for the site once the finishing touches are applied and the site is ready!
The kindergarteners enjoying their day!
The kindergarteners having fun in kindergarten.