The kids enjoyed the Miracle of Books event.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A boy listening to kids read books.
A girl reading books.
A boy reading a book.
Boys reading books.
The kids enjoyed the Miracle of Books event.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A boy reading books.
A boy reading a book to kids.
3 teachers
A girl reading books to 2 kids.
The kids enjoyed the Miracle of Books event.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A girl reading books.
A girl reading books to kids.
A girl reading books.
Kids enjoying books.
The kids enjoyed the Miracle of Books event.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A boy reading books to kids.
A boy enjoying his book.
A girl reading books.
A boy reading books to two kids.
The kids enjoyed the Miracle of Books event.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Kids reading books.
A boy reading a book to 2 kids.
A high schooler reading to 3 students.
A boy reading to kids.
3-5 grade enjoying Minute to Win It Games.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Tossing marshmellows at shaving cream.
Students with shaving cream on their heads.
Students with shaving cream and marshmellows on their heads
Moving marshmellows from one bowl to the other.
Minute to Win It Games!
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Moving pompoms across the table.
The minute to win it winners.
Shaving cream on a students head.
A student with shaving cream on his head.
Grades 3-5 🎄 Minute To Win It games! It has become a fun & festive tradition!
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Students blowing pompoms across the table.
Eating ice cream sundaes.
Eating ice cream sundaes.
Thumbs up!
Grades 3-5 🎄 Minute To Win It games! It has become a fun & festive tradition!
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Students throwing marshmallows at a kid with shaving cream.
Throwing marshmallows at saving cream heads.
Look at all of the marshmellows stuck to their heads.
Kids blowing pompoms across the table.
Grades 3-5 🎄 Minute To Win It games! It has become a fun & festive tradition!
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Students stacking candies on a stick.
Kids knocking over cups with balls on their heads.
Knocking over cups with a ball on their head.
Students wearing shower caps.
Grades 3-5 🎄 Minute To Win It games! It has become a fun & festive tradition!
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Kids playing Minute to Win It Games.
Kids grabbing Skittles with tweezers.
Kids stacking cups with balloons.
Kids stacking cups with balloons.
The preschoolers are decorating their edible Christmas trees.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A boy and his edible Christmas tree.
A boy decorating his tree.
A boy and his treat.
The preschoolers are decorating their edible Christmas trees.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
A girl and her edible Christmas tree.
A girl and her Christmas tree.
A girl and her snacks.
The kids decorating their trees.
The preschoolers are decorating their edible Christmas trees.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
2 girls decorating their Christmas trees.
A boy and girl decorating their Christmas trees.
The class sharing their Christmas trees.
Students sharing their Christmas trees.
A little fun with the new snow hills, after not going to the movie.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Fun in the snow.
Climbing on the hill.
Enjoying the weather.
A little fun with the new snow hills, after not going to the movie.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Look at all this snow.
We buried friends in the snow.
A friend buried in the snow.
A little fun with the new snow hills, after not going to the movie.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
New snow fun.
Touching the roof.
I can reach the roof.
Huge snow drifts.
A little fun with the new snow hills, after not going to the movie.
about 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Friends in the snow.
Playing on the new hill.
Climbing the new hill.
Enjoying the new snow.
There will be no school or activities at Midway on Friday, December 16th due to road conditions and the continued blowing snow forecast for Friday.
about 2 years ago, Jason Keating
There will be no in-person learning or activities at Midway on Thursday, December 15th. Students will continue to refer to their Virtual Learning materials.
about 2 years ago, Jason Keating