The preschoolers had fun celebrating “Reading is an Adventure week!”
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
kids with their Thing 1 paintings
kids with their Thing 2 pictures
The preschoolers had fun celebrating “Reading is an Adventure week!”
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Preschool reading in a tent
Prek eating green eggs
Prek eating green eggs and ham
Preschoolers making towers
Preschoolers wearing PJs
Prek With cat in the hat pictures
Prek with towers that they made
the kids with their cat in the hat pictures
kids with their paintings of Thing 1
kids with their cat in the hat pictures
As part of Reading Week, the classrooms had to decorate their doors with a reading theme. Here are some "Doors for Donuts".
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
doors for donuts
4th graders infront of their door
5th graders doors
The high seas have never looked more beautiful.....or been so smart! We’re sailing through our adventure to earn as many books as possible for our students, and we’re having fun along the way. Today, we announced the winner of the iPad! Congratulations, Hazel Rash!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
ipad winner
Arrgh, matey! We now have our 4th and final Treasure Chest stuffed with cash winner. Congratulations, Jack Peterka!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Treasure chest poster
Tomorrow is the last day to order Lucky Grams!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Lucky grams
4th Grade at Specialty Assignment Pizza We learned about the ingredients of a pizza are part of ND agricultural! We enjoyed our lunch provided by Greg Amundson Farms at Pizza Ranch with fun in the arcade. We toured the Grand Forks Library. Thanks to Pastor Jamie and Mrs. Dale
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Mrs Erickson and a student enjoying pizza
the boys eating pizza
the girls eating pizza
Mrs Dale and the girls eating pizza
pastor Jamie and boys eating pizza
at the library in the nd room
fun with art
boys painting
4th Grade at Specialty Assignment Pizza We learned about the ingredients of a pizza are part of ND agricultural! We enjoyed our lunch provided by Greg Amundson Farms at Pizza Ranch with fun in the arcade. We toured the Grand Forks Library. Thanks to Pastor Jamie and Mrs. Dale
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
learning about protien
learning about protien
learning about grains into flour
grinding wheat into flour
grinding wheat into flour
dairy section
making oil
fruits and vegetables
perfect pizza
As part of Reading Week, the classrooms had to decorate their doors with a reading theme. It was "Doors for Donuts". Here are a few.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
preschoolers door with donuts.
kindergarteners with their donuts
2nd graders with donuts
3rd graders with donuts
Congratulations, Sawyer Stave, for being our 2nd Book Blast Treasure Chest stuffed with cash winner!  Way to go! For those families that still want to participate, hoist your ship’s sails and register here: Your school link. Your adventure awaits!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Ahoy, mateys!! The 1st winner of the Book Blast Treasure Chest stuffed with cash is Maci Boe! Congratulations! If you haven’t yet, register and enter contact info for 10+ people who want to support your pirate’s home library: Login Link. Tomorrow, your pirate could be hauling home the treasure!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
pirates treasure chest
The preschoolers learned about dental hygiene for Dental Week!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
nurse talking about the dentist
the students listening to the nurse
what pop does to your teeth
learning about brushing your teeth
learning about brushing your teeth
We are Rocking into Reading! We enjoyed a concert from our very talented Jazz Band!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
jazz band
the jazz band playing for elementary
the students listening
teachers dressed up
This is for students in grades preschool through 5th grade. The Book Blast voyage to your student’s NEW BOOKS begins today! Please take just 7 minutes to check out the Treasure Map. Simply register for the event and enter the contact info for 10+ people to support your little pirate’s home library. It’s really that easy! After completing those steps, your student will receive ALL 3 rewards and will be entered to win one of four Treasure Chests stuffed with cash and prizes! Also, one lucky winner in your school will win an iPad. Start the voyage to earn all 10 exciting new books on the Treasure Map booklist! Your participation can help other students at your child’s school build their home libraries, too. Go to and unlock your treasure!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Treasure Map poster.
Congratulations to the students of the month for January! These students have RAISEd the Bar! They have shown respect, accountability, integrity, safety and/or empathy. way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
4 kids raised the bar
Congratulations to the students of the month for January! These students have RAISEd the Bar! They have shown respect, accountability, integrity, safety and/or empathy. way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
2 girls have raised the bar cards
5 students have raised the bar
2 students have raised the bar cards
3 students raised the bar with their cards
Book Blast is coming!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
book blast poster
8th grade parent meeting for Wolfridge on Thursday, March 2 at 7pm in the high school library.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
poster for Wolfridge meeting
Good luck to the Mustangs!
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
playing game at Minto poster
6-8th Grade Parents, Join us Thurs, March 2nd at 6:00pm for the 2025} Washington, D.C. trip meeting. If you haven't already, please RSVP now via this link: Join the meeting here: Don't miss out!
almost 2 years ago, Dante Irvine