We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
We had breakfast yesterday with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
We had breakfast yesterday with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
The juniors and seniors enjoyed visiting NDSCS in Whapeton.
The juniors and seniors enjoyed visiting NDSCS in Whapeton.
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
Students in grades 3 through 5 are finishing up the North Dakota State Assessment. The 6th through 8th graders just started this week. Good luck and do your best!
Look who Raised the Bar for the month of March!
Every student gets a toothbrush! Thank you for the toothbrushes for our students.
Class Picture day is tomorrow!!
Friday, April 21 will be an e-learning day at Midway. There will be no before or after school activities.
Midway will start 2 hours late tomorrow, April 21. There will be no morning ESP, activities or practices. Stay tuned to further updates.
Due to the increasing difficult weather conditions, Midway will be dismissing today, April 20 at 1:30pm. No afterschool activities.
There will be a Special School Board meeting on April 19th at 1:00 PM held over Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82621853361?pwd=aFJsQ2NoRUlTME1EK21abTlwSWh0UT09
The kindergarteners performed The Little Engine That Could yesterday. They had an amazing performance.