Yesterday, we had the best weather for Play Day! The kids had so much fun!

The 4th Graders had their North Dakota Studies Trip to the Bismarck area! We had a blast! Thanks to Sheila Korynta for driving the bus, along with the chaperones- Erin Dickson, Kip Pierson, Tim Dotson, and Pastor Jamie! All of your help was greatly appreciated!

The 4th Graders had their North Dakota Studies Trip to the Bismarck area! We had a blast! Thanks to Sheila Korynta for driving the bus, along with the chaperones- Erin Dickson, Kip Pierson, Tim Dotson, and Pastor Jamie! All of your help was greatly appreciated!

MS and HS Concert in the Park on Thursday, May 18.

Look at the cool art projects that the 7th graders completed!

We have some very talented 8th graders! Here are some samples of their art work.

Kindergarten and 1st grade went shell hunting on the playground today!

Kindergarten and 1st grade went shell hunting on the playground today!

Kindergarten and 1st grade went shell hunting on the playground today!

It was Career Day in preschool. Thank you for visiting.

The High School Awards assembly will be held on May 18th at 3:00. Parents are welcome to attend.

Tonight's regularly scheduled School Board Meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, May 11th at 4:30 PM in the high school library due to inability to reach quorum.

Recess fun!

We love this warm weather!

Enjoying the beautiful weather!

The 8th graders have made it through half of "The Book Thief" in English. Today we took a break from reading to explore common themes, characters, and symbols with some hexagonal thinking to see how they connect!

Please join us in honoring our retirees. We will miss them!

Finally, it is nice outside! The 6th graders are enjoying a good book outside!

The 1st graders measured wind speed with our anemometers and made it rain in a cup.

Lunch menu for May.