We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
grandpa and kid
katie and grandmas
grandma and girls
grandparents and kids
grandma and girls
 grandparents and kids
grandma and boys
uncle and girl
Jensen family
We had breakfast yesterday with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
grandma and grandsons
dad and daughters
grandma and kids
grandma and grandkids
grandpa and kids
grandma and mary
Grand kids
grandma's and kids
We had breakfast yesterday with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
a boy and his grandma
a boy hugging his grandma
a girl and her grandma
Kids and their grandma
Kids and their aunt
a boy and his mom
grandma's and their grandkids
grandparents eating with their grandkid
grandma and her grand kids
grandparents and their grandsons
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
grandma and boys
grandma and grandpa eating with grand kids
a girl and her neighbor
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
girls and there grandparents
Kids and there grandparents and guests
grandma and grandpa and their kids
guests and students eating breakfast
Kids and grandparents
the boys and grandma
the family eating together
grandpa and kids
grandma and girls
We had breakfast today with our grandparents or special guests. We were so excited to see so many special people in our building. Thank you all for visiting our school today.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
Gabby and her grandma
iris and her grandpa
Brea and her sister and grandma
jack and his grandparents
John and his grandparents
iris and her grandparents
Gabby and grandparents
Joseph and Mary and their grandparents
eating breakfast
Sophie and Jay eating breakfast
The juniors and seniors enjoyed visiting NDSCS in Whapeton.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
the boys relaxing
learning about ndscs
looking at dorm rooms
the juniors and seniors
The juniors and seniors enjoyed visiting NDSCS in Whapeton.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
a boy riding a tractor
a boy driving a tractor
learning about John Deere
John deere tractor
students learning about John Deere
students learning about John Deere
students looking at auto showroom
students learning about tools
students learning about working
the girls relaxing
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
the boys playing some games
everyone eating lunch
the boys eating lunch
using a compass and map
the 5th graders
learning about reading maps
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
Kids trying to build a fire
a girl getting some kindling
the students starting a fire.
a boy getting the fire started
the students watching someone start the fire
a boy gathering some kindling
the kids putting out their fire
the students are gathering kindling
the students eating lunch
getting ready to play some games
The 5th graders enjoyed the day at Turtle River State Park. Thank you park rangers Erika and Andrea for a fantastic day! Fifth grade could survive in the wild … for at least a night anyway. They had a great time and it was a beautiful day!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
a girl sitting in a tree
the boys showing off their shelter
the boys in their sheltet
the girls setting up their shelter
the girls posing in front of their shelter
the girls looking for ways to make a shelter
the boys building a shelter
a boy carrying a log
a girl inspecting her shelter
the kids watching the ranger start a fire
Students in grades 3 through 5 are finishing up the North Dakota State Assessment. The 6th through 8th graders just started this week. Good luck and do your best!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
The red carpet treatment for the state assessment
A girl walking down the red carpet for the state assessment.
Look who Raised the Bar for the month of March!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
preschool  girls that raised the bar
1st graders that Raised the Bar
3rd graders that raised the bar
Kindergarteners that Raised the Bar in March
4th graders Raised the Bar for March
5th graders Raised the Bar
Every student gets a toothbrush! Thank you for the toothbrushes for our students.
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
Toothbrush letter
Class Picture day is tomorrow!!
over 1 year ago, Kristine Dale
Class picture Day
Friday, April 21 will be an e-learning day at Midway.  There will be no before or after school activities.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Midway will start 2 hours late tomorrow, April 21. There will be no morning ESP, activities or practices. Stay tuned to further updates.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
Due to the increasing difficult weather conditions, Midway will be dismissing today, April 20 at 1:30pm. No afterschool activities.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
There will be a Special School Board meeting on April 19th at 1:00 PM held over Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82621853361?pwd=aFJsQ2NoRUlTME1EK21abTlwSWh0UT09
almost 2 years ago, Jason Keating
The kindergarteners performed The Little Engine That Could yesterday. They had an amazing performance.
almost 2 years ago, Kristine Dale
kindergarteners acting out a play
a student getting his train
the students acting out the play
the students acting out the play
eating lunch with their kids and grandkids
eating lunch with grandma
kindergarteners eating lunch