Midway Public School District #128 is a consolidated school district located in northern Grand Forks and southern Walsh counties in the northeastern corner of North Dakota. The district covers a geographical area that starts encompasses the north end of the Grand Forks Air Force Base and extends into southern Walsh county. It is a rural district whose primary communities are Inkster, Gilby, Forest River, Ardoch, Mekinock, and the Forest River Hutterite Colony. The primary occupations in the area are related to agriculture. The Midway School district formed as a result of consolidations inthe early 1960s. The district enrollment is approximately 220 students in grades K-12. There are approximately 50 employees in the district, of which, about 30 are faculty members. Midway is fortunate to have a number of patrons who volunteer their time to help teachers and students a variety of ways.
CURRICULUM Midway is fully accredited by the state of North Dakota. Midway participates in the Walsh-Pembina Consortium and the Red River Valley Educational Co-op, both of which provide opportunities for
staff development, curriculum development, and cost-effective opportunities for sharing services. Besides
About Midway
3202 33rd Ave NE Inkster, ND 58244

the standard required courses, Midway Middle School and High School offers electives in the applied sciences, social studies, mathematics, Spanish, physical education, industrial technology, Family & Consumer Sciences, business, computer applications, and music. Agreements with the North Dakota Division of Independent Studies and the North Valley Vocational Center provide a wide range of additional electives and career prep opportunities. Special Education services are provided through the Upper Valley Special Education unit.
ACTIVITIES Midway encourages all of its students to participate in age-appropriate activities. Activities that are available include music ensembles, drama, boys' and girls' basketball, football, girls' volleyball, baseball, track, cross-country, cheerleading, Science Olympiad, Math Counts, Lego-League, Academic Challenge, National Honor Society, FCCLA, Rocketry, and Student Council. Membership in vocationally oriented clubs is available throught the North Valley Vocational Center. Other activities are constantly being considered and added as practical.
NONDISCRIMATION POLICY It is the policy of Midway Public School #128 that no person shall, on the bais of race, gender, color, national origin, age, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance. Equal opportunity is a priority of the Midwya School District.